
Supporting you throughout your menopausal journey


your personal menopaUSE DOULA

While the term "doula" originated in ancient Greece to describe a female caregiver aiding mothers during childbirth, today, the role extends to providing emotional, physical, and informational support during various life transitions, including managing menopause.

Motivated by my personal experience of surgical menopause, I pursued training and certification as a doula, driven by a deep-rooted understanding of the journey all women travel through. Assisting women to thrive, flourish and embrace the gifts provided at this powerful time of life truly feeds my soul!

What to expect:

  • Find a space in your diary to carve out 2 hours for our initial deep dive consult, where the focus of discussion is YOU! Book in here.

  • Ahead of our call, I will send out a questionnaire which will provide me a good picture about your physical, emotional and menstrual health. Your answers will also help to frame our discussion.

  • During our deep dive, I cover everything from period health, HRT benefits and application, nutrition & exercise, to community support and embodied movement - I even encourage a little dance break in the middle of our consult to re-energise and shake off the big emotions and energies!

  • At the end of the consultation, we will have co-created a personalised 'Meno Tool Kit': a short list of specific actions, tailored just for you, to start with.

  • You will also receive the full consult report of our consult, along with any supportive handbooks, tips, and intros/referrals to experts.

  • Along with timely texts, I follow-up with shorter ‘Self-Focus’ accountability sessions every six weeks, to help keep you on track with prioritising yourself, adding more actions to your ‘Meno Tool Kit’ as you power through your meno journey!

embodied female coaching: reclaiming body, mind & libido

a new approach:

Arriving at midlife, I felt ravaged by time and life experiences. Just like many others who have opened up to me, I often felt angry and frustrated dealing with life's challenges. I felt disconnected from my partner and, looking back, I realise I was mourning all the changes my body had endured after surviving cancer and surgical menopause. Those changes had a huge impact on my libido, confidence, brain function, and energy. For a decade, I kept myself small, unable to see a way out of how I felt about myself.

At my lowest point of self-esteem, I decided to take a leap of faith and enrolled in ‘Mama Gena’s’ pleasure coaching training course, with no idea what to expect - I literally had nothing to lose!

What I gained, and now share, is a way to create a joyful and meaningful life by embracing pleasure, sisterhood, and the full range of human emotions. It's about accepting all 360° of a woman, from bliss and ecstasy to anger and grief—they are all essential parts of a fully lived life!

what to expect:

Empowering women to women to fully express themselves and achieve personal fulfillment through embodied work and pleasure not just a frivolous pursuit but a profound tool for personal and societal transformation. Examples of the tools and techniques that you will learn over 5 x 1:1 sessions are:

  • learning to celebrate yourself using the ‘bragging’ tool

  • recognising what you are grateful for, and to also name what you desire

  • plugging into the source of your feminine wisdom and power: how to listen to ‘p*ssy’!

  • falling in love with yourself through sensual movement and soft touch

  • shifting strong emotions and charges out from your mind into your physical body through dance and movement, called ‘swamping’

With consistent practice of the guidance I provide, you can expect to see huge improvements in confidence, libido, clarity, and energy. Interested? Book here for your 5 coaching sessions


woman360° sister circles


Welcome to Sister Circles - a cosy, safe space where women gather to uplift, connect, and grow together! Whether we're meeting face-to-face or virtually, our circles are all about building meaningful connections and supporting each other through life's ups and downs.

We get together four times a year, with two wise sisters leading the way, creating a safe haven for authentic conversations and heartfelt sharing.

Here's why our circles are so special:

  • Connection and Community: We're all about fostering a sense of belonging and support. By sharing our stories and listening with open hearts, we build deep connections and a strong community.

  • Support and Empowerment: In our circles, every woman's voice is heard and valued. We lift each other up, celebrating strengths and helping one another tap into our feminine power.

  • Feminine Leadership: Here, we practice owning our lives and embracing who we truly are. Through supportive guidance, we grow in confidence and step into our roles as leaders.

  • Emotional Expression: Vulnerability is our superpower! By being real and honest, we create a space where we can express ourselves freely and authentically.

  • Healing and Growth: Our circles are like a healing balm for the soul. With rituals and practices that promote self-love and acceptance, we embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation.

Sister Circles aren't just about menopause—they're about navigating life's twists and turns together, with love, support, and sisterhood by our side. Click here to join the waitlist for the next Sister Circle and embark on a beautiful journey of connection and growth!

‘My meno body’: clinical data, monitoring and analysis

In partnership with our clinical partners, WellFounded Health and 9 Harley Street MRI Centre , we offer ‘My Meno Body’ MRI scan and clinical overview package, tailored specifically for women who:

  • are currently on, or have been on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy);

  • are post-menopausal;

  • have a cancer history or have relatives with cancer history;

  • are interested in health data to provide peace-of-mind.

This comprehensive offering serves a twofold aim:

  1. To gain valuable insights into body changes due to menopause;

  2. To screen for potential health risks, including cancer.

A full-body MRI, which can be supported by extra blood tests, doesn't use radiation and is a painless procedure. Unlike X-rays, MRIs provide detailed images of soft tissues like muscles, organs, and the brain, allowing for a more comprehensive evaluation. It offers clients the potential of early detection of health issues such as tumors or bone problems. If caught early, it often leads to better treatment outcomes.

The imaging is analysed and reported by expert onco-radiologists and our partner clinicians then work closely with each woman to interpret the reports, address concerns, and develop tailored strategies for optimising health and well-being during and after menopause.

Woman360° is the only service that offers comprehensive holistic support, from doula care and coaching through to clinical insight for your body and mind during menopause.

Book ‘My Meno Body’ MRI scan package

ready to menopower through your menopause?